Stormwater Management Plan – 379 Worongary Road, Tallai

Project location

  • 379 Worongary Road, Tallai, QLD
  • Located 500m north-west of Tallai Country Golf Club
  • Located at 100m south of Incline Drive Reserve
  • Site area of 3.05ha
  • Gold Coast City Plan had classified the site as within the Rural Residential Zone
  • Lot 8 on RP62537

Project summary

  • Subdivide existing lot into three (3) residential freehold lots
  • Construction of stormwater infrastructure to service the development

Our role

CWD Group undertook the following scope of works for the project at 379 Worongary Road, Tallai:

  • Stormwater – Management Plan
    • Undertake hydrologic calculations to determine discharges from the site for the 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 year ARI events for the existing and proposed development scenarios
    • Determine lawful point of discharge and conceptual sizing of required stormwater infrastructure
    • Undertake conceptual design of proposed stormwater infrastructure including demonstration of no adverse impacts on stormwater runoff conditions for neighbouring properties due to the proposed developments
    • Prepare conceptual stormwater drawing suitable for submission to council
    • Ensure site stormwater quality is compliant with the SPP and planning scheme
    • Prepare a report which is undertaken and certified by an RPEQ suitable for submission to council for development approval
  • Roads and Earthworks – Concept Design
    • Prepare conceptual plans and typical sections for proposed internal site access
    • Prepare conceptual earthworks plan
    • Documentation of designs will be supervised and certified by an RPEQ engineer

The project

CWD Group provided the client with a detailed stormwater management plan, outlining the site constraints and the proposed site responses including the lawful point of discharge.

The report included all necessary calculations and charts, and identified water pollutants of concern. Bio-retention swales and an erosion and sediment control plan were identified as the key strategies to manage the mitigation of such water quality concerns.

CWD Group’s stormwater management plan demonstrated that the design response was appropriate in responding to the overland flow constraints onsite and was consistent with Gold Coast City Plan.

Value added by CWD Group

CWD Group’s technical competence, efficiency and ability to engage with people on engineering matters assisted in the smooth completion of the client’s project. Some challenging constraints regarding the existing dam and waterway were balanced with demonstrating no worsening of stormwater conditions. This was achieved through experience and innovation. All of CWD Group’s work represents a high level of professional proficiency, which in turn added to the professional quality of the project’s end result.

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