Residential Subdivision – 37 Akers Road, Lawnton QLD 4501

Project location

  • 37 Akers Road, Lawnton QLD 4501, in the Moreton Bay Regional Council
  • Lot 77 on RP292843
  • The site zoning was General Residential Zone, within Suburban Neighbourhood Precinct
  • The site had a single dwelling, under existing conditions with associated structures and light vegetation
  • The site had an approximate area of 4047m²

Project summary

  • Subdivide existing one lot into five freehold lots
  • Provide stormwater, sewer, water and road infrastructure to service the lots
  • Construct new road for future use in dedicated corridor

Our role

CWD Group undertook the scope of works outlined below.

  • Stormwater. This included:
  1. Stormwater management plan during the DA phase
  2. Detailed design of proposed internal stormwater network including connections to existing infrastructure, supervised and certified by an RPEQ engineer
  3. Ensured site obtained a lawful point of discharge
  • Sewer and Water. This included:
  1. Liaised with Unity Water regarding approval; undertake conceptual design at the DA phase
  2. Undertook detailed design of water and sewer infrastructure including any calculations, supervised and certified by an RPEQ
  • Roads and Earthworks. This included:
  1. Prepared engineering report and plan for DA submission
  2. Developed a bulk earthworks plan consistent with the development conditions and requirements
  3. Erosion and sediment control design
  4. Detailed design of new roads and access handle, supervised and certified by an RPEQ engineer
  • Inspections & As Constructed. This included:
  1. Prepared a bill of quantities for the above-mentioned designs
  2. Liaise the project team regarding design during construction
  3. Site inspections to certify construction of designs. This is required to certify and complete the operational works application.
  4. Developed as constructed drawings for the engineering components

The project

CWD Group provided detailed reports and engineering drawings in accordance with Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme and applicable standards, both during DA and operational works. Erosion sediment control measures were installed and maintained during site preparation and construction, to prevent soil erosion and contamination of stormwater run-off from the site.

CWD Group provided design and certification of stormwater services that would capture water run-off generated onsite and convey it to existing council infrastructure located within Akers Road. A new sewer manhole, five new property sewer connections and four new service connections and metres for reticulated water were installed to service the five-lot subdivision.

To provide access to the proposed lots, CWD Group proposed to remove the existing crossover, reinstated the kerb and channel and constructed one new vehicle crossover.

As no substantial earthworks were required as part of the development and construction of future dwellings, CWD Group only had to undertake minor re-profiling of the existing ground to accommodate effective stormwater drainage to the lawful point of discharge.

Value added by CWD Group

Through CWD Group’s ability to understand council regulations and communicate with authorities, the DA process was able to be dealt with in a professional and timely way.

Constraints relating to construction and infrastructure were resolved concisely, due to our understanding of engineering standards and the implications of cost on construction. See more of our recent work.

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