Flood – Impact Assessment | Mount Gravatt East

Project location and summary

  • The site is located at 12-28 Bothwell St and 29-33 Lauder St, Mount Gravatt East
  • The site is approximately 3225m² in size
  • The development is located adjacent to the commercial/retail strips along Creek and Logan Rd
  • The site is subject to significant overland flow from the north and west of boundaries
  • At the commencement of the project, the site consisted of six free-standing residential dwellings
  • The proposed works comprised the following components:
    • Construction of a multi-storey commercial and residential tower
    • Basement car parking
    • Re-routing of sewer and stormwater network onsite
    • Construction of site access for both Lauder and Bothwell St
    • Excavation of car parking
    • Management of overland flow

CWD Group’s role

CWD Group provided a Detailed Overland Flow Assessment (DOFA) for the proposed development, outlining the overland flow constraints for the site and the design response solutions to address them. CWD Group calculated peak discharges of stormwater run-off using the Rational Method and generated hydrographs representing design rainfall run-off for the site and upstream catchment.

The DOFA supported the Development Application for the development and was consistent with Brisbane City Plan 2014 (BCC 2014).

CWD Group provided the client with drawings for the proposed layout and facilities for the multi-level mixed-use commercial and residential building with basement car parking.

Value added by CWD Group

Through CWD Group’s ability to understand council regulations and communicate with authorities, the DA process was able to be dealt with in a professional and timely way.

Constraints relating to construction and infrastructure were resolved concisely, due to our understanding of engineering standards and the implications of cost on construction.

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